
Why are these wars against such weak humans so hard? People in the region don’t eat well, have poor hygene facilities, do not exercise, rarely exceed 160 lbs, and have very limited medical systems, yet they fight on. Well.

Every culture has a code, local and national level laws, or ideals to follow when implementing violence. When mindset, ethical and physical training combine properly, the result is a balanced warrior that can unleash controlled violence with a solid understanding of right and wrong. This is us on the moral high ground. Its also ethics as war fighters.

We use rules of engagement to take the thinking out of it. Simple. We have had these in every major conflict in the modern era, in some form. Now they are as complex a group of thoughts strung together, as a Chiltons manual to re build an F 350. This puts the public (sheep) at ease with the fact that, the military they depend on isn’t fighting a war to the utmost of its capabilities. It is seen blindingly here in our current wars.

I am certainly not arguing that our current conflicts would be over or “won” by now if we had the total war ideal of the greatest generation in WW II, but the Taliban are no less resilient than the Imperial Japanese of the 1930’s. They believe in the cause just as deeply as the WW II era Japanese soldier. The Taliban are un-uniformed by necessity vice design. They both attacked America, and I am acutely aware that neither a Taliban loyalist, NOR an Afghani was involved in the attack; they did take money, AND house our Al Qaeda adversaries. (I believe that it should be a law enforcement issue hunting Al Qaeda vice fighting with Afghanis, but that’s another story.)

I cannot answer whether or not total war would win in Afghanistan or not. I do know that Americans are not willing to try. Why not? What’s the difference? Americans. The generation of Americans. Read political papers from the first half of the 1900s. Find blind hatred for the president. Find corporate America controlling the media. Look at pictures in the 30’s and 40’s. Find 3 fat people. Find kids acting foolishly in public, find young people being rude to old people. Tell me how many school shootings there were. How many teen suicides? Pregnancy rates among teens, and then the TV (radio) show about them.

Think of this. Anti war hippies from the 60’s who were in college during the Vietnam conflict are now our politicians. Not really a HUGE deal because they are ALL greedy pigs and want to be re elected and take what ever stand money takes. Think about this now, the politicians of WW II era America were isolationists one generation (or less) away from our civil war. Hippies? No. Fans of war? Hell no! Than why the immediate total response to Pearl Harbor? Its not patriotism. Its not even national pride. Its responsibility.

Our culture is so weak because parents stopped taking responsibility, journalists stopped being responsible, we stopped holding politicians responsible, and we follow the path of least resistance. We got attacked. We then started a war, and then another completely unrelated war. We have a responsibility to end them. Not through total war or even less rules. We need to realize why they hate us so much.

They think of America and they see greedy, morally unsound, hateful people. They see our news. Violence, crime, corruption. They see our TV. Jersey Shore. They are America.
The concept of poor Americans to Afghanis and Iraqis is obscure. Hard working? Impossible. Morally up right. No way. That’s not on M TV. WE DOMINATE popular culture. This is what our enemy sees. This is where they base there opinion. Perhaps if we were more responsible about it they would hate us less.

Remember too that I am an American Fighting man. A War Machine. I believe. But sometimes I wonder if we are still the better of evils? I will be responsible. With my children, with my body, with my violence, and with focus. If every one else would, we could turn the corner, right our course, and prevent the next ideological war. Maybe.

No crazy, radical change in our lives. Just a method of finding a balance. Finding LESS. Less fast food, less media, less indifference, less acceptance of weakness. Weakness of mind, body, spirit, and community.

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