It will be incredibly difficult to “TAP OUT” with my bayonet in your neck.
If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid....unless an idiot came up with it.
I do not like the term “grunt”. I prefer “infantryman”. Grunt sounds like an idiot. Calling for fires requires a large brain. D-bag.
I refuse to argue with people. Your all wrong. Unless your right, in which case I can probably beat the crap out of you. Soooooo your wrong. Just listen to me.
I love reading these silly rules for a gun fight. They may be correct, but I think the first rule should be “don’t get in one.”
The news rarely talks about anything good happening in America , or the world. Either that or the apocalypse has already happened, and we were to busy to notice……
Peralta should have gotten that damn medal! Allen, Jones, and Turner are living proof.
Remember that "pain is weakness leaving the body".... via all that horrible pain. Which sucks!
I typically feel compelled to yell “AMERICA !” at the most inappropriate times, but only when NOT in America .
If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can read in english, thank an english teacher. If you can do ANYTHING else you want, thank a Marine.
I am a teacher, a substitute teacher and I proudly thank YOU! I also loved Castra Praetoria's article on you THE PHILOSOPHICAL MARINE. If only I could pass it out at the beginning of every class! I don't know why parents get so worked up about it?