
The Marine Corps is, in essence, a martial sub culture. I do not buy us as a martial culture for the reason that we are not born Marines. We are born people. We volunteer for this. We do this to ourselves. We come from the regular world and just assimilate into this one. We BECOME Marines. FOREVER.

The modern world forgets how much it owes to martial cultures. Laws, rules of conduct, what ever church they belong to, supermarkets. Most notably Americans forget to realize that we are a super power because we bullied, intimidated and fought to be one. All the people who bitch about the military seem to over look the fact that they are not starving. Or oppressed to the point that a family member from every family has been killed by the government, or unable to travel from state to state on a whim, or are imprisioned for talking bad about the state. The poor don’t complain about the military. Only the most comfortable Americans complain and judge.

I wish we could leave sometimes, all of us who fight. Fight for the idiots on M TV, and the war dead protesters, and the people who think the military is bad. How long before foreign boats with troops show up off shore, eager to take possessions like the European powers did in the 1600s?

We fight for Americans. Our prosperity. Safety. We fight just as much for the student of the month as the death row inmate. For the 3 job family struggling to make it, as the deviant using the welfare system to not work on purpose. We fight for all of you. Because we LIKE to fight. We LIVE to fight. We ARE martial.

The sheep think THEY did this, with there good nature and happy thoughts. America is the cats me-wow ‘cause we recycle and talk nice and treat everyone fairly. What would the sheep do when we left? Bake cookies and talk it out? We, as a responsible(?) society need to realize that we make the world go round with our raw, overt aggression. With our Martial sub-culture.

I found that there is a REAL universal language in my 20 country travels, and it is a Marine pointing a service rifle at a dude who thinks he is gonna do something that Marine doesn’t want him doing. Universally understood as “stop, before this day becomes your last.”

We were born in a war. The Marines have fought in EVERY one of our nations wars but we have stopped more than can be counted. Just by showing up to the party. People like us are a deterent to people trying to pray on the weak. We are here to help. And we will help all those in need.

You need not thanks us. You should just think before you open your mouth. I don’t care how old you are. I don’t care where you went to school. I don’t care what the rest of the world does. I don’t care how you feel about war. Just think about running water, working sewers, clean clothes, average income, public school, and your cell phone, and then remember you only have that because of ME.

We are here to help.


Random thoughts


It will be incredibly difficult to “TAP OUT” with my bayonet in your neck.

If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid....unless an idiot came up with it.

I do not like the term “grunt”. I prefer “infantryman”. Grunt sounds like an idiot. Calling for fires requires a large brain. D-bag.

I refuse to argue with people. Your all wrong. Unless your right, in which case I can probably beat the crap out of you. Soooooo your wrong. Just listen to me.

I love reading these silly rules for a gun fight. They may be correct, but I think the first rule should be “don’t get in one.”

The news rarely talks about anything good happening in America, or the world. Either that or the apocalypse has already happened, and we were to busy to notice……

Peralta should have gotten that damn medal! Allen, Jones, and Turner are living proof.

Remember that "pain is weakness leaving the body".... via all that horrible pain. Which sucks!

I typically feel compelled to yell “AMERICA!” at the most inappropriate times, but only when NOT in America.

If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can read in english, thank an english teacher. If you can do ANYTHING else you want, thank a Marine.



Why are these wars against such weak humans so hard? People in the region don’t eat well, have poor hygene facilities, do not exercise, rarely exceed 160 lbs, and have very limited medical systems, yet they fight on. Well.

Every culture has a code, local and national level laws, or ideals to follow when implementing violence. When mindset, ethical and physical training combine properly, the result is a balanced warrior that can unleash controlled violence with a solid understanding of right and wrong. This is us on the moral high ground. Its also ethics as war fighters.

We use rules of engagement to take the thinking out of it. Simple. We have had these in every major conflict in the modern era, in some form. Now they are as complex a group of thoughts strung together, as a Chiltons manual to re build an F 350. This puts the public (sheep) at ease with the fact that, the military they depend on isn’t fighting a war to the utmost of its capabilities. It is seen blindingly here in our current wars.

I am certainly not arguing that our current conflicts would be over or “won” by now if we had the total war ideal of the greatest generation in WW II, but the Taliban are no less resilient than the Imperial Japanese of the 1930’s. They believe in the cause just as deeply as the WW II era Japanese soldier. The Taliban are un-uniformed by necessity vice design. They both attacked America, and I am acutely aware that neither a Taliban loyalist, NOR an Afghani was involved in the attack; they did take money, AND house our Al Qaeda adversaries. (I believe that it should be a law enforcement issue hunting Al Qaeda vice fighting with Afghanis, but that’s another story.)

I cannot answer whether or not total war would win in Afghanistan or not. I do know that Americans are not willing to try. Why not? What’s the difference? Americans. The generation of Americans. Read political papers from the first half of the 1900s. Find blind hatred for the president. Find corporate America controlling the media. Look at pictures in the 30’s and 40’s. Find 3 fat people. Find kids acting foolishly in public, find young people being rude to old people. Tell me how many school shootings there were. How many teen suicides? Pregnancy rates among teens, and then the TV (radio) show about them.

Think of this. Anti war hippies from the 60’s who were in college during the Vietnam conflict are now our politicians. Not really a HUGE deal because they are ALL greedy pigs and want to be re elected and take what ever stand money takes. Think about this now, the politicians of WW II era America were isolationists one generation (or less) away from our civil war. Hippies? No. Fans of war? Hell no! Than why the immediate total response to Pearl Harbor? Its not patriotism. Its not even national pride. Its responsibility.

Our culture is so weak because parents stopped taking responsibility, journalists stopped being responsible, we stopped holding politicians responsible, and we follow the path of least resistance. We got attacked. We then started a war, and then another completely unrelated war. We have a responsibility to end them. Not through total war or even less rules. We need to realize why they hate us so much.

They think of America and they see greedy, morally unsound, hateful people. They see our news. Violence, crime, corruption. They see our TV. Jersey Shore. They are America.
The concept of poor Americans to Afghanis and Iraqis is obscure. Hard working? Impossible. Morally up right. No way. That’s not on M TV. WE DOMINATE popular culture. This is what our enemy sees. This is where they base there opinion. Perhaps if we were more responsible about it they would hate us less.

Remember too that I am an American Fighting man. A War Machine. I believe. But sometimes I wonder if we are still the better of evils? I will be responsible. With my children, with my body, with my violence, and with focus. If every one else would, we could turn the corner, right our course, and prevent the next ideological war. Maybe.

No crazy, radical change in our lives. Just a method of finding a balance. Finding LESS. Less fast food, less media, less indifference, less acceptance of weakness. Weakness of mind, body, spirit, and community.


the unforgiving trade


I was a welder when I was a person. I was a good welder. I was school trained in MiG, TiG, and Arc. A man named Russ taught me how to make trailers. I loved it.

This is now my trade. Weapons are my tools. I am school trained to locate, close with and destroy enemies. I am a warrior. Many men have taught me how to fight. I LOVE IT.

There is no “measure twice, cut once” for me.


USMC (we are here to help)

We are here to help, but should someone get in our way... this is why we train. We train to shoot, stab, slash, and beat men to death. We train with rifles, pistols, bayonets, knives and weapons of the body. We train to advance from land, sea, and air. We train to locate and close with them, to attack until they are eliminated. We teach men to hunt men. We will stop only when they are all dead.

And we will help all those in need.

The world according to me. Part 1

I will start these installments with gear. Crap we buy. Americans buy a lot of crap. I buy as much crap as some, but less than most. I look for economy for the most part, yet functional and reliable products that fit the bill.

I will now talk about stuff I buy that is not crap:


There are two basic types of knifes; Folder, and fixed blade. I have three categories in my little universe for knives; fighter, survival, and carry. It is important to understand that I advocate knives that can be all three.

First things first. Fixed blade knives need only be carried in the “scout carry” across the small of your back horizontally. Folders in the hip hinge of your belt line or front pocket of your dominate hand.

1. Fighter. I have the Strider Ranger w/ bone saw.

I advise these for a few simple reasons, grip, maneuverable size as it pertains to yielding, and weight.

The grip is damn near long enough to hold with two hands. It is narrow enough that the entire hand can completely wrap around it for maximum control while yielding, and is made of a durable material with a good non slip pattern.

Though it is a large fixed blade it is not all that wide. This makes for quick transitions of hold easy, and gives you the ability to strike multiple target areas in tight spaces rapidly.

The knife, as a tool, is light. But this badlarry is dense enough to crack open someone’s head. It is thick enough to puncture through battle field debris as necessary.

2. Survival. I like the Tom Brown Jr. Tracker.

This is NOT just a knife. It is a hatchet, saw, knife, and hammer. It can be used as a fighter as necessary for the above reasons, but it is extremely wide, so maneuverability is lost a bit. Tom Brown is a hippy, but this knife is solid! Unfortunately you have to buy a leather sheath separately. It’s worth it.

The saw is completely functional, and behind it there is an arch for striking it with another object to hack at stuff.

3. Carry. Zero Tolerance z350 folder.

It has all the qualities of the Strider in a folder. It fits in your hand, can be employed from multiple carries, is designed with fighting in mind, and has maneuverability unlike any other folder I have come across.

With these three knives all bases are covered and you have standardized your equipment there by adding efficiency to your arsenal, and focus to your training.

Tune in next time for firearms!


got violence?

In our current westernized society there is a common misconception that we, as a species, are NOT predisposed to violence against, well, anything. The past decade has fostered an entire industry based around our “inability” to process acts of violence (i.e. killing in combat).

Remarkable then, that the extinction of mega fauna coincided exactly with the propagation of humanity as it left sub Sahara Africa and spread across the Asian and European steppes. The complexity of man arguably only compounded as he realized how to fashion and manipulate basic and simple tools. The weaponizing of tools then generated an expanse of design, trial and error, and led us to the modern world.

At what point was that tool used to end another human life?

The very moment two groups met. By chance or by design. Two groups of early man met, they did not recognize one another, and conflict occurred. Fatalities may not have been immediate, but judging by modern habits, it escalated rapidly. The meeting was more than likely based on food and water procurement. Humanity is programmed to conduct savage acts of violence on one another. Period. Empires and great societies have been based entirely on there abilities to conduct large scale, intense combat. 

So after all this, if we were really not designed to kill, why would so many do it?

The sheep (non martial thinkers), need to realize they are suppressing their nature. The wolves (Martial thinkers), need to realize they are in tune with nature, accept it, embrace it and continue to train. And the bad guys need to remember the wolves are out there.......


A Dangerous Person

A dangerous person is dedicated. Patient. Vigilant. Typically quiet. And armed at all times.

We are dedicated to cause or family. To training and focus.

We are eager to learn, but patient enough to realize learning will NEVER stop. We are eternal students.

We are aware of our surroundings and alert to threats at all times. Everywhere.

We need no attention. Our stature speaks for our lethality.

We need no weapons fool.

We are weapons.



I have been an armed professional for EXACTLY ten years now, and in that time I have developed a philosophy that, I believe when properly applied, will guide the individual martial thinker to a fine point focus. It is applicable always and has been either developed by myself or taken from a proven leader and warrior.

It is numbered in the order of precedence, and I believe the priority of work;

1.    Remember that you did this to yourself.

2.    Discipline leads to mastery.

3.    In order to master your profession, you need to first master yourself (SELF DISCIPLINE).

4.    Increase your lethality every chance you get. EVERY DAY.

5.   If you won’t work on lethality, at least work on some form of self development.

6.    Become proficient in the things you DO NOT enjoy.

7.    Accept that the basics ARE brilliant.

8.   Remember that practice makes PERMANENT.

9.   Imagine that someone you respect is watching everything you do, ALL THE TIME.

10.  Know your limits.

11. Constantly work to exceed your limits, SAFELY.

12. Balance mental proficiency with physical proficiency.
Balance physical capacity with mental capacity.

  13. Make time to rest. 

This is a guide to better one’s self, stand by for the group philosophy at a later date!